Running a large group course stamps Evangelism as a central part of your ministry's DNA.

As a ministry, we run a larger course every 12-18 months.  We find stamping this as a central item in our church calendar helps us ensure that the whole ministry spends a season with everyone focused together on seeing our friends saved.

For a large group course in our experience a nice, relaxed, and comfortable venue is best; preferably neutral territory in the eyes of your potential guests – church property often is intimidating to those who are not church-goers - we’d suggest a restaurants, cafés or nice club.

Here's how Terry Allen at Coffs Harbour describes his church's large group course:

'We get about 24-30 people each week , have a meal and chat... just the way it’s designed.

''We use the DVD on the data projector and we haven’t lost anyone since it began. We love the uniquely Australian content of the presentations. 

'Our guests identify with it easily. And they’re short! That’s something that makes the whole process easy to ‘sell’. A job well done. We’ll use it plenty of times in the future I’m sure.’